Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML 5 video. This short list of modes also provides keybinding hints so that you can jump directly to your most-used modes (for example Go to File) without going through the Command Center. Adding a path here will exclude any search results that fit the listed paths or patterns.Ī new top section was added to the Command Center to make it easy to discover how to navigate to files, run commands, and more. Selecting Exclude Folder from Search adds the selected folder path(s) to the files to exclude textbox. Adding a path to this textbox will limit search results to ones that fit the listed paths or patterns. Selecting Restrict Search to Folder adds the selected folder path(s) to the files to include textbox. When right-clicking a folder in the Search view's tree view of results, there are now two new options in the context menu. Workbench Include and exclude folders from Search The Preferences: Open Accessibility Settings command opens the Settings editor with the filter.

Accessibility setting tagĪn accessibility tag is now available to improve discoverability of accessibility related settings. This has been fixed and can be enabled via editor.wordWrap. Word wrapping had been disabled when running VS Code in screen reader mode to prevent a degraded screen reader experience. Terminal Quick Fix - if a Quick Fix is available on the current line ( audioCues.terminalQuickFix).Task failed - sounds when a task fails ( audioCues.taskFailed).Task completed - sounds that a task is completed (controlled by the audioCues.taskCompleted setting).There are new audio cues to help with Tasks and the Terminal. Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on. Dev Container Templates - Create new Dev Containers based on existing templates.New Python extensions - New standalone extensions for isort, Pylint, and Flake8.v protected branch workflow - Create new branch when committing to protected branch.More audio cues - Task completed or failed, Terminal Quick Fix available.Markdown automatic link updates - File and image links updated on rename/move.Merge editor improvements - Access Combination option to auto merge conflicts.Command Center mode shortcuts - Displays commonly used modes before recent files list.Search include/exclude folders - Quickly set folders to include/exclude in the tree view.There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include: Welcome to the October 2022 release of Visual Studio Code. Update 1.73.1: The update addresses these issues.ĭownloads: Windows: User System Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap